Responding to Change vs. Following a Plan

I am from India and live in the southern parts. My neighboring state recently witnessed heavy rain which was followed by flood.

Since the state doesn’t receive so much rain and it’s very unusual to rain to the extent that it can cause flood. Hence the preparedness for meeting such disasters are pretty low.

A very interesting thing happened this time amidst the chaos.

A cab company, responded to this very well. They got boats from all over to this city in water to rescue people from low-lying areas to be lifted and shifted to a safe place. Amazing. This was such a relief to a number of families who were struck in low-lying areas and this act by the company resulted in saving many lives.

On the same lines, a group of hotel aggregator came forward to message these now homeless people as to where they can stay (for very low cost and in some places even free of cost!) until they start building a new living.

I think, this is a great example of responding to change by these organizations.

  1. They didn’t have a plan of providing boat service at all but they said ‘this is what is needed and we will do it’
  2. The hotel aggregator created awareness through social media on how these families can be helped, the names of the hotels in and around they can stay with etc and the message spread fast than anyone expected.

I wouldn’t want to discount on the great efforts by these two companies. But do you also see a business value here? This goes to prove that business value is not always financials but beyond. The way the people of the city are going to love these two companies in future, it will be difficult for someone else to give them competition for some time now.

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